VSIP Hai Phong Industrial Park
面积1600 ha 土地使用年限2008 - 2058
地址Thuy Nguyen District, Hai Phong City, Viet Nam.

VSIP Hai Phong Industrial Park, spanning a vast 1,600 hectares, allocates 500 hectares for pristine industrial zones and dedicates 1,100 hectares to a vibrant urban area. The project boasts a total investment capital of 1 billion USD, jointly funded by the Becamex IDC Group (Vietnam) and esteemed partners from the Sembcorp Development Group (Singapore).

The VSIP Hai Phong Industrial Park strives to attract investments in eco-friendly sectors, encompassing information technology, electronics, and pharmaceuticals. This comprehensive complex encompasses financial hubs, bustling commercial zones, vibrant shopping areas, hospitable hotels, and comprehensive healthcare facilities.

VSIP Hai Phong Industrial par attracts investments

Currently, as of 2023, VSIP Hai Phong Industrial Park, after almost 15 years of establishment and growth, has achieved a development of over 70% of its envisioned territory, successfully attracting approximately 50 projects. The occupancy rate of these projects has surpassed 76%, leading to the creation of nearly 30,000 jobs and making substantial contributions to the economic prosperity of Hai Phong and Vietnam at large.

VSIP Hai Phong Industrial Park has garnered significant interest from investors hailing from South Korea, Singapore, Japan, Europe, and various other regions. Among the prominent multinational corporations investing in this Industrial Park are:

Investment-attracting industries in VSIP Hai Phong Industrial Park

VSIP Hai Phong Industrial Park welcomes investors in high technology, low pollution, and light industry sectors. The industrial park mainly attracts the following industries:

租金 土地租金 $100/平方米
其他费用 Infrastructure-inclusive rental price 80-100 USD /m2
Electricity price Peak hours -0,1 USD / kWh , Normal hours -0,05 USD / kWh , Off - peak hours -0,03 USD / kWh .
Water price 0,4 USD /m3.
Labor cost The reference range is 200-500 USD / person / month , depending on the job position .
Management fee 0,5 USD /m2/year.
Wastewater treatment fee 0,3 USD /m3.

Internal Transportation

The internal transportation system consists of main roads and branches,with a width of 90m, 80m, 56m, 26m.

Power Supply

The industrial park has a transformer station with a total capacity of 200 MVA.

Water Supply

The industrial park has a water treatment plant with a capacity of 69.000m3/day, ensuring a stable and sufficient water supply for businesses within the industrial park.

Waste Treatment

Solid waste from the factories is classified, collected, and transported to the city’s centralized landfill.

Wastewater Treatment

The wastewater treatment plant has a total capacity of 39.000m3/day.
Phase 1 of the plant has a capacity of 4.500m3/day.

Communication System

The industrial park has an underground communication system provided by leading telecommunications companies such as VNPT, EVN-Telecom, and Viettel Telecom.
It also has a separate FTTH (Fiber to the Home) system, ADSL, IP telephone exchange, etc.


